Why a

Facilitation means
making things easier

We do that
for decentralised communities

The Facilitators’ Collective was originally a funded project in Cardano’s Project Catalyst. It noticed a need for better meeting facilitation in decentralised, online, global communities.

Online facilitation is different – there are new tools and new approaches. Global communities are different too, with different barriers to participation (such as timezones, Internet connections, and languages) that a facilitator needs to help people overcome. And decentralised communities – no boss, no hierarchies, no “one-size fits all” – are a chance to build practices that suit each different group.

As we’ve worked, we’ve understood there is no “right” way to facilitate. Each community facilitates its meetings in the way that makes sense for them. But sometimes new facilitators need some basic skills to give them confidence – so here, you’ll find:

We’re offering guidance cos there are things you might not think of on your own – this is the hive mind mind giving you clues.

But once you start actually doing facilitation, you’ll move beyond following the rules, and develop your own facilitation personality, that works for you and for your community, and which you can share in the meetings you host with your peers.